Thursday, September 6, 2012

I Actually Understood Math?!

So, today I started doing my online math homework for the first time this semester. It was kind of nice to not have to work on math homework until almost 4 weeks into the semester! 

When I was first getting ready to start working on it I was already dreading it think that it was going to take me forever and I would be so confused! Especially since it's probability homework! 

On the first problem I was opening up the "show an example" to see how the problem was done and I was getting so confused. They were showing all these different formulas and I was thinking that it really didn't need to be so complicated! So, I tried to just do it on my own, with out the formulas, thinking that I would for sure get it wrong and to my surprise it said "Correct!" when I submitted my answer! Yay! 

Even though this is just the first section of homework, and the first section is usually easier, it was still so nice to be able to actually understand math!! Hopefully my good luck continues and the rest of the homework will be just as easy! :) 


  1. First of all, your blog is so adorable and it just screams Michaelah! Anyways, I feel the same way sometimes when I start my math homework. Especially when it's a concept that I don't fully grasp or understand how to do. My first semester at MCC I didn't have to take a math class because I did dual credit my senior year. Now, my boyfriend though was in a math class and I would sometimes look at his math homework. I would literally scream. It looked awful! But, with this class I don't dread the homework at all. It’s fun, understandable and a great amount. Oh, and I completely agree with you and can relate to your confusion with the "show an example". Sometimes that can make things worse! Not cool. Great job on figuring it out though. You go girl! :)

  2. How funny, I am just the opposite. I almost always find MyMathLab's examples very help. Unless I really know how to do the problem on my own I always open example before even attempting the problem. Then what is key to helping me understand and remember what to do I write out the entire example problem step by step. Doing this can make for soar hands and lost of notes but there is something about actually writing everything out that helps my brain make sense of all the new information.

  3. Michaelah, your blog is so fun. I love it! I especially enjoyed reading this post because it hit home. I am always dreading doing the homework. It's not until I actually get to it that I start realizing that I can do this!!! I loved that our homework was on course campus, it was really helpful.
